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Best Recruit

Presented to a first-year cadet who best exemplifies the ideals of 21 RHFC-ACC through consistent attendance, willingness to participate in classroom activities, and enthusiasm to learn during all cadet activities. This cadet has embraced the opportunities that have been available for both mandatory and optional training, taking advantage of all that 21 has to offer. The cadet has performed exceptionally in all aspects of training, drill, and dress and deportment. They set a good example for fellow recruits and have encouraged and motivated peers to succeed through their first year of the program. The winning cadet has shown a positive attitude and understands the value of being a good follower while showing promise of being a future leader by taking initiative and being willing to take on leadership taskings.

Best Junior Cadet

Presented to a cadet, Master Corporal or below, who best demonstrates a commitment to 21 RHFC-ACC through consistent attendance, positive participation in classroom activities and group activities. This cadet has performed exceptionally in all aspects of training, drill, and dress and deportment. The cadet treats peers and staff with respect, takes initiative to motivate peers and help recruits become familiar with the cadet experience. The winning cadet takes advantage of leadership taskings to improve skills and make consistent progress toward being a successful future leader.

Best Senior Cadet

Presented to a cadet, Sergeant to Chief Warrant Officer, who has best used the lessons and leadership opportunities learned in the cadet program to improve the corps and the cadet program. This cadet exceeds the basic standard for training, drill, and dress and deportment, and regularly uses their expertise to help improve and develop these skills in their peers and subordinates. The winning cadet displays a high level of understanding of instructional techniques, creates engaging lessons, is skilled in using alternate methods of instruction as required, is able effectively lead their team to accomplish their goals, and are able to apply their skills to new and unique circumstances. The best senior cadet is a mentor to junior cadets, is a team player who collaborates well with peers, and has exemplified loyalty to their subordinates, superiors, the unit, and the cadet community; truly embodying the Canadian Cadet Mantra of Cadets Leading Cadets.

Most Improved Cadet

Presented to a cadet of any rank who started the year struggling to keep pace with the program, but has shown steady improvement in overall attitude, drill, dress, deportment, leadership, confidence, and aptitude. The cadet has displayed a willingness throughout the year to learn, grow, and advance, provides inspiration for other cadets to persevere in their own development. The cadet takes responsibility for their actions, accepts corrective criticism positively, continues to work on weak areas, and seeks out opportunities to improve.

Marksmanship Award

Presented to the cadet of any rank who achieves the best overall score while participating in the 21 RHFC-ACC air rifle marksmanship program.

Bandsman of the Year

Presented to a member of the 21 RHFC-ACC Pipes and Drums who has consistent attendance at parade, practises, and band performance events, displays a high level of drill, dress, and deportment, while maintaining high level of personal musicianship. This cadet has a willingness to expand and advance their musical abilities through various teaching methods, such as weekly parade, band and drill practises, band events, summer training, and competition. The winning cadet promotes esprit de corps and high morale within the band and creates better musicians within the band through their enthusiasm.

Exemplo Deucemis

Presented to a cadet, WO or below, who best exemplifies positive and motivational leadership by example. This cadet has shown devotion to serving and improving the corps and provides a welcoming atmosphere to new cadets. The cadet demonstrates the level of initiative and accountability a cadet is capable of achieving over time. The cadet regularly takes initiative, displays leadership ability, is dedicated to self-improvement, and provides an example for others to follow. This cadet is a well-rounded leader and is highly respected by fellow cadets and corps staff members.

Thom Joordans Award

This is a Junior cadet development Award to encourage a cadet, Master Corporal or below, to develop the self confidence and determination to progress toward their goals. The winning cadet shows potential, and this award is intended to encourage their continued development in the program.

Best Dress and Deportment

Presented to the cadet who exemplifies pride in the Corps and Canadian Cadet Movement by showing a consistent effort and dedication to attain a high standard of dress. In addition, this cadet shows the initiative to assist peers and subordinates in upholding and maintaining the dress standard. The winning cadet also displays consistently positive interactions with peers and superiors.

Most Contributing

Presented to the cadet who contributes to the wellbeing of the corps and has a positive influence on morale through their involvement in the various activities of the corps and their willingness to lend a hand whenever needed.

Most Dedicated

Presented to the cadet who demonstrates their commitment to the corps and the Canadian Cadet Movement by having the highest attendance rate.

Airborne Award for Determination

Presented to the cadet who best exemplifies determination in everything they do as a cadet. This cadet shows tenacity, courage, and persistence in all their assigned tasks, participates in classroom and field lessons, and are consistently regarded by peers for their dependability.

Legion Medal of Excellence

Presented by the Royal Canadian Legion branch 272 to a cadet who meets the following criteria: The cadet meets all requirement of mandatory and optional training; is regarded by peers and supervisors as exemplifying a model cadet; promotes cooperation with peers and subordinates, adds to the group identity through comeradeship, goodwill and morale, and cohesiveness of the unit; and was involved with 3 community service events in addition to those supported by the cadet unit.



Distinguished Medals


Cadet Medal of Bravery

This is awarded to a cadet who performs an outstanding deed of valour involving risk of life in attempting to save the life or property of others. This award has only been presented 18 times in all of Canada, one of which was to MWO William Bowen of the 1596 Royal Highland Fusiliers in 2018.


Cadet Service Medals

Presented to cadets who reach the milestone of continuous service to the corps for 4, 5, 6, or 7 years.


Graduation Award

Presented to cadets who have serve 21 Army Cadets until they age out on their 19th birthday or are moving on to post-secondary education.


Commanding Officer’s Challenge Coin Award

It is a well-respected tradition in military environments to carry a challenge coin. The Commanding Officer’s Challenge Coin award respects that tradition to recognize cadets who build camaraderie in the corps and have taken personal initiative to better the morale and training of other cadets. These coins are given out at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.

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